Watch City Readers
November, 2021
Watch City Readers is a literary program sponsored by a grant from the Waltham Cultural Council and the Mass Cultural Council.
This month, we are celebrating a LITERARY FEAST! With a wide selection of genres available for taste testing, we tucked into works by local authors.
"Blanket Knowledge" by Peter Payack - POETRY
"Streaks of Blue" by Jack Chaucer - YA
"Satuday Night Dead" by F.H, Belfus-Bennet - MURDER MYSTERY
"Seven Times Down Eight Times Up" by Alan Gettis, Ph.D. - INSPIRATION/SELF HELP
On my FB live show which takes place every second Sunday at 6pm, we nibbled on bits from each book to get a flavor for each writing style, genre, and how it relates to us in Waltham.
Next month I will be reading a traditional cozy holiday selection as a special treat for all participants. Additionally, everybody who emails me at will qualify for a free drawing of a special holiday gift!
Happy holidays, everyone!